Essential Oil Solutions for Your New Year’s Resolutions
As we enter the new year with excitement of over the possibilities and joy, it’s time once again for reflection and introspection – an invitation to contemplate starting something new or adopting a new approach in the upcoming year. Whatever your desires for change and excitement for what is to come, incorporating Biossentials’ essential oil blends and aromatherapy products in your lifestyle can help support your goals and resolutions in 2018.
BREATHE essential oil blend brings a refreshingly vibrant aroma of Eucalyptus, Myrtle and Tea Tree to your surroundings that encourages feelings of rejuvenation and revitalisation, perfect to clear the past year’s negative vibes.
Use it:
- Blend 1-2 drops in 5ml of Biossentials’ Almond Sweet Oil and apply topically to your chest when seeking to clear blockages and renew energies.
- Inhale directly and breathe. Breathe in positive energy. Hold this breath for a couple of moments and breath out, expelling all that is negative from your body and aura. Repeat.
CONCENTRATE essential oil blend has an aroma of Lemon, Peppermint and Rosemary that, when diffused, may promote feelings of creativity, motivation and accomplishment. It is perfect to use while contemplating and establishing your 2018 ambitions.
Use it:
- Add 3-4 drops in Biossentials’ Ultrasonic Mini Diffuser and plug the USB in your car while you travel to work to help kick start your day.
- Add 3-4 drops in Biossentials Ultrasonic Ambience Diffuser for an extra aromatic boost at your desk.
PEACEFUL essential oil blend harnesses the soothing qualities of Lavender, Marjoram and Sandalwood to calm a busy and active mind.
Use it:
- Put 1-2 drops on your personal Aromatherapy pendant to attain a sense of clarity and harmony.
- Diffuse a few drops in Biossentials Ultrasonic Ambience Diffuser before sleep to create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Alternatively, put a few drops on a cotton ball and place by the pillow.
- Use Peaceful as your evening companion after a shower or bath. Blend 1-2 drops in 5ml of Biossentials’ Almond Sweet Oil and apply liberally onto shoulders, feet and legs and feel completely ready to unwind from the day.

RELAX essential oil blend contains the harmonious scents of Lavender, Mandarin and Patchouli that inspires feelings of calm, patience and tranquillity while you go about your day.
Use it:- As a start to your day, diffuse Relax blend in Biossentials Ultrasonic Ambience Diffuser to feel calm and relaxed for the day ahead.
- Blend 1-2 drops in 5ml of Biossentials’ Almond Sweet Oil to create a body oil and make it your massage companion for a calming and total relaxation experience.
- Apply the body oil blend to hands and feet, and enjoy an aroma to encourage calmness and composure.
Whatever you decide to do this New Year, remember to be kind to yourself. Create wellness and happiness focused goals that brings joy to your heart and lets your inner beauty shine. Make time for you and use the benefits of Aromatherapy to ease yourself gently and positively into 2018!